Faculty & PhD Student Accomplishments

The school’s faculty is nationally and internationally recognized for teaching, research, and commitment to public service. Recent faculty publications have included significant books and book chapters on African Americans and social policy, African American children in child welfare, and statistics and social work practice, and numerous articles in refereed academic journals. The faculty’s achievements, accessibility, and commitment to mentoring are major hallmarks of the school. In addition, dissertations by doctoral program graduates delve extensively into salient topics including race-based trauma and healing, spirituality and mental well-being, factors impacting child welfare, and more.

Faculty Accomplishments

Prestigious Leadership Positions

A number of our faculty members serve in prestigious leadership positions. Exemplars include: 

Dr. Soleman H. Abu-Bader: Member of the Board of Directors and the Academic Advisory Board of the Arab Center Washington DC; member of the Advisory Board of the Council on Publications (COP) of the Council on Social Work Education; member of the Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) of the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE); and member of the Board of Directors of Salam Institute for Peace and Justice, Washington, D.C.

Dr. Sandra Edmonds Crewe: Trustee, Maryland Affordable Housing Trust; Secretary, American Association of Service Coordinators; Program Committee Chair, Home Care Partners; Commissioner, Council on Social Work Education Commission on Membership and Professional Development; Board Member, National Center for Creative Aging; Chair NASW Specialty Aging Section; HRSA Social Work Public Health Summit Advisory Committee; and Member of Social Isolation Grand Challenge Advisory Group. 

Dr. Altaf Husain:  Vice President (US), Islamic Society of North America: Co-chair, Convention Program Committee, Islamic Society of North America;  Member, Board of Advisers, Peaceful Families Project (domestic violence awareness and prevention);  Co-chair, Inclusion and Access Committee, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS Center); Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social  Work: Guest editor, Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, special issue; Consulting  editor, Social Work (NASW Journal); Member, Special Commission to Advance Macro-Practice in Social Work (work groups on Faculty and Student Issues; Co-chair, Race, Ethnicity and Immigration Cluster, Society for Social Work and Research. 


The following book was published by faculty on the history of the School of Social Work.

Gourdine, R.M. & Brown, A.W. (2016).  Change agents:  Social advocacy and social justice during the 1970s:  Lessons for social work educators and professionals in the 21st century. Baltimore, MD: Black Classic Press.  

Other recent publications include:

Abu-Bader, S. H. (2021). Using Statistical Methods in Social Science Research with a Complete SPSS Guide (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Abu-Bader, S., & Jones, T. V. (2021). Statistical mediation analysis using the Sobel test and Hayes SPSS Process Macro. International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, 9(1), pp.42-61.

Aitcheson, R., Abu-Bader, S.H., Howell, M. K., Khalil, D., & Elbedour, S. (2016). Resilience in Palestinian adolescents living in Gaza. Journal of Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Bent-Goodley, T.B. (2015).  After the assault:  How the faculty and staff can help traumatized students.  On Campus, 34, 10-13. 

Cosby, R. (2020). The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Preserving their Resilience and Establishing a University Community Partnership Reassurance Program. Children's VOICE, Child Welfare League of America (Vol. 29, #2).

Cosby, R. (2020). Older African American Adults: Understanding the Role of the Black Church’s Support in the Community. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work.

Shelton, R., Hall, M.,  Ford, S. & Cosby, R. (2021): Telehealth in a Washington, DC African American Religious Community at the Onset of COVID-19: Showcasing a Virtual Health Ministry Project, Social Work in Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2021.1904322

Edwards, J. & Openshaw, 1., eds. (October 2019). Empowering Clinical Social Work Practice During a Time of Global Economic Distress.

Edwards, J. Howard, S. (2019). The lmpact of Economic Distress on Trauma-lnformed Social Work practice and Attachment. ln Edwards, J. & Openshaw, 1., eds. (October 2019) Empowering Clinical Social Work Practice During a Time of Global Economic Distress' Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.

Shaw, S.A., Peacock, L., Ali, LM., Pillai, V., Husain, A. (2019). Religious coping and challenges among displaced Muslim female refugees. Affilia 34 (4), 518-534

Husain, A. & Howard, S. (2016). Religious microaggressions:  A case study of Muslim Americans. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work.  

Goodkind, S., Shook, J., Kolivoski, K., Pohlig, R., Little, A., Kim, K. From child welfare to jail: mediating effects of juvenile justice placement and other system involvement. Child maltreatment 25 (4), 410-421

Kolivoski, K. M., Shook, J. J., Johnson, H. C., Goodkind, S., Fusco, R., DeLisi, M., & Vaughn, M. G. (2016). Applying legal socialization to the child welfare system: Do youths' perceptions of caseworkers matter? Child and Youth Care Forum, 45, 65-83. doi:10.1007/s10566-015-9317-y 

Whitaker, T. & Snell, C. (2016).  Parenting while powerless:  Consequences of “the talk.”  Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.   


Additionally, faculty members had almost 100 presentations at professional conferences and seminars. These presentations were across the nation as well as internationally. Exemplars include:  

Abu-Bader, S.H. (April 13-15, 2017). Prevalence of Depression Among Older Arabs & Muslims in USA and Middle East. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 

Crewe, S. & Cosby, R. (2020) Mental Health Awareness in a Pandemic, Multidisciplinary Gerontology Center Presentation to the National Council and Center on the Black Aged. June.

Crewe, S. & Cosby, R. (2020) Mental Health Awareness and COVID-19 Multidisciplinary Gerontology Center Presentation to Virtual Health Ministry, July 10.

Crewe, S.E. (May 2016).  Making caregiving a win-win experience.  Keynote address.  Alzheimer’s Foundation. New Jersey 

Cosby, R. (2020, 2019, 2018) Howard University Advancing Diversity in Aging Research (HUADAR) Presentations on Aging and Biology; Aging and Technology; and Aging and Biological, Psychological and Social Constructs of Aging.

Cosby, R. (2020) Keys to Successful CAREGIVING FOR THE ELDERLY: A  COVID-19 RESPONSE, Multidisciplinary Gerontology Center , HUSSW Field Education Virtual Conference. June 26.

Cosby, R. (2019) Technology and Older African Americans. Multidisciplinary Gerontology Center. Presentation at Network for Social Work Management Annual Conference, Loyola (Chicago) University, June.

Cosby, R. & Moss, T (2019). “HIV and Older Adults”. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting Multidisciplinary Gerontology Center Presentation. November.

Edwards, J. & Cosby, R. (2019). “Understanding the Opioid Crisis to Address its Impact in DC” The Opioid Response Symposium. District of Columbia Hospital Association, DCHA September 27.

Edwards, J. (2020). "COVID19: The impact of COVID 19 on the mental health of children, adolescents, and families" First Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church .

Edwards, J., Cosby, R., Wilbon, A., & Shelton. 2020 NASW Iowa Chapter Annual Symposium Empowering Social Work Pract ice : Understanding the Complexities of Race, Poverty, & Aging

Edwards, J & Cosby, R. "2nd Annual Opioid Response Symposium. September 2020.

Edwards, J & Cosby, R. "Understanding the Opioid Crisis to Address its Impact in DC" The Opioid Response Symposium, District of Columbia Hospital Association, OCHA September 27, 2019

Edwards, J. AAPCSW Biannual Meeting. Presentation on "Effects of Economic Distress on Trauma Informed Clinical Social Work Practice". March 2019.

Edwards, J. "Shared Historical Trauma Experiences African Americans and Native Americans". Tribal College and University Programs Achieving the Dream, Inc. Santa Clara, California February 21, 2019

Edwards, J. (March 14, 2019). (Invited Presenter & Panel Member) Congressional Briefing on BHWET Program to Support Title to build support for Title VII and VIII programs with Congress, sponsored by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-111.)

Gourdine, R., Davis, J.M., Berry-Edwards, J., & Harris, C.E. (October 2015).  Black lives matters:  Trauma related experience effects:  A clinical social work perspective.  Council on Social Work Education.  Denver, Colorado.  

Kolivoski, K. M., & Klipp-Lockhart, T. (April 2017) Assessing the Financial Impact of Misdemeanor Court Fines and Fees in a Midwestern State. Oral presentation abstract submission to Howard University Research Week.

Whitaker, T., Snell, C.L., & Husain, A. (2016).  It’s not about the birds and the bees:  Targeted teens, parents and “the talk.” National Association of Social Workers National Conference.  Washington, DC. 

PhD Graduate Dissertation Topics



B.A., 2002, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut

MSW, 2005, Fordham University, New York, New York

“African American Adolescents’ Attitudes and Beliefs on Trauma and Healing:  Implications for Mental Health Service Use”

ADVISOR: Tricia Bent-Goodley, Ph.D.



B.A., 2001, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

MSW, 2003, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

“Risk and Resilience Factors Associated with Secondary Traumatic Stress among Social Workers in and out of Military Settings”

ADVISOR: Jacqueline Smith, Ph.D.



B.A., 2007, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida

MSW, 2009, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

“The Examination of Race and Title IV-E Training on Organizational Commitment to Public Child Welfare”

ADVISOR: Jacqueline Smith, Ph.D.



B.A., 1978, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

MSW, 1988, Howard University, Washington, DC

“Lives Linked Through Heart, Mind, and Hands: African American Professional and Managerial Women’s Journeys through Caregiving for Elderly Parents: A Phenomenological Study”

ADVISOR: Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Ph.D.



B.A., 1997, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

MSW, 1990, Howard University, Washington, DC

“Assessing Attributions for Poverty-Welfare Reliance Between TANF Service Recipients and Social Welfare Service Workers: Implications for Co-Cultural Consensus Building & Advocacy”

ADVISOR: Tricia Bent-Goodley, Ph.D.




B.A., 2001, California State University of Long Beach

MSW, 2005, Howard University, Washington, DC

"The Impact of Psychosocial Determinants on the Nonmedical Use of Prescription Medication Among Women With History of Intimate Partner Violence"

ADVISOR: Tricia Bent-Goodley, Ph.D



B.A., 2004, Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia

MSW, 2006, Howard University, Washington, DC

“Exploring the Multiple Determinants of Father Involvement among Non-Resident African American Fathers: A Mixed Methods Approach”

ADVISOR: Ruby M. Gourdine, Ph.D.



B.A., 1999, Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee

MSW, 2001, Howard University, Washington, DC

“Health-E Connections: Examining E-Health Utilization among African Americans”

ADVISOR: Tricia Bent-Goodley, Ph.D.



BSW, 1999, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY

MSW, 2001, Fordham University, Bronx, NY

“Client-Inflicted Workplace Violence, Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention: A Comparative Analysis Between Institution-Based and Home-Based Direct Care Paraprofessionals”

ADVISOR: Tricia Bent-Goodley, Ph.D.



B.S. 1975, Howard University, Washington DC

M.Div., 1986, Howard University, Washington, DC

D.Min., 1994, Garret Evangelical Theological Seminary/Northwestern  University, Evanston, Illinois

MSW, 2013, Howard University, Washington, DC

“Don't Just Give Me That Old Time Religion: The Intersection of Religion and Mental Well-Being Amongst African American Women, A Qualitative Study”

ADVISOR:  Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Ph.D.



BA, Philosophy, 1984, St. Joseph’s Major Seminary, Ikot-Epene, Nigeria

BA, Theology, 1988, Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, Nigeria 

MA, Theology, 2001, University of Calabar, Nigeria

STL, (Licentiate in Canon Law), 2002, Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria 

PGDE (Post Graduate Diploma in Education), 2004, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 

MSW, 2008, Howard University, Washington, DC

“An Exploration of the Well-Being Experiences of Igbo Immigrants Through the Investigation of Their Adaptation and Coping Strategies”

ADVISOR:  Cudore L. Snell, DSW



BSW, 2011, Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, MS

MSW, 2011, The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS

"’Makes It Seem More Real’: A Qualitative Exploration of the Sexual Health of African American Adolescents with HIV-Positive Mothers"

ADVISOR:  Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Ph.D.



BA, 2004, University Of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD

MSW, 2006, Howard University, Washington, DC

"Examining Gender-Based Differences in Mental Health Among African-American Youth Living in Public Housing” 

ADVISOR:  Tricia Bent-Goodley, PhD



BSW, 1989, The Higher Institute of Social Work, Aswan, Egypt

MSW, 2001, The Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.

"Attitudes of Arab Americans Towards Persons with Developmental Disabilities"

ADVISOR:  Ruby Gourdine, DSW



BSW, 2008, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA

MSW, 2010, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA

“The Direct Effect and Contributing Factors of Vicarious Trauma on Children”

ADVISOR:  Kamilah Majied, Ph.D.



BSW, 2008, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

MSW, 2004, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

“Freedom from The Darkest Years:  Reintegration of Sex Trafficking Survivors, A Phenomenological Study”

ADVISOR:  Fariyal Ross-Sheriff, Ph.D.



BS, 2013, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

MSW, 2016, Howard University, Washington, DC

“The Impact of Multiple Types of Child Maltreatment on Pregnancy Outcomes”

ADVISOR:  Ruby Gourdine, DSW



BS, 2010, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

MSW, 2013, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

“Medical Home Adequacy for Youth Receiving SSI during Pre-Transition”

ADVISOR:  Ruby Gourdine, DSW



BSE, 2001, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL

MSW, 2002, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL

“Exploration of Romantic Relationships among African-American Former Foster Care Youth”

ADVISOR:  Jacqueline Smith, PhD



BSSSW, 1997, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

MSSSW, 1997, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

MSSW, 2010, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

“Understanding Correlates of Stigma and Coping Strategies among Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh:  A Cross-Sectional Study”

ADVISOR:  Fariyal Ross-Sheriff, PhD



BS, 2008, Roanoke College, Roanoke, VA

MSW, 2010, Radford University, Radford, VA

“The Social Workers’ Perspective:  Financial Literacy, Education, Practice and Policy”

ADVISOR:  Tricia Bent-Goodley, PhD



B.A., 1995, Spelman College, Atlanta Georgia

MSW., 1999, Howard University, Washington DC

“School Social Workers’ Perceptions of Microaggressive Experiences of Black High School Students: A Qualitative Analysis”

ADVISOR: Tracy Whitaker, DSW



B.A. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 2001

M.A. North Carolina Central University, North Carolina, 2005

M.S.W Howard University, 2012

"Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care: The Relationship Between Trauma Exposure, Social Support, and the Outcomes of Economic Well Being"

 ADVISOR: Ruby Gourdine, DSW



B.A., University of Texas at Tyler, Texas, 2009

MSW, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas, 2012

“Factors Influencing the Imposter Phenomenon in Black Social Work Ph.D. Students Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities”

ADVISOR: Tracy R. Whitaker, DSW



B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2010

B.A., Stony Brook University, New York, 2006

MSW, Howard University, 2009

"Soy de Aquí y de Allá: Exploring how HBCU’s contribute to Afro-Latine Students’ Identity Development and Mental Health”

ADVISOR: Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Ph.D.



B.S.W., University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1993

MSW, University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1994

"Health Locus of Control, HIV-Related Stigma, Mental Health, Quality of Life, and Social Support in Perinatally HIV-Infected Adults"

ADVISOR: Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Ph.D.



B.A., Clemson University, South Carolina, 2016

MSW, Howard University, 2018

"The Invisibility of Vulnerability: A Phenomenological Investigation of Black Women’s Experiences of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace"

ADVISOR: Tricia Bent-Goodley, Ph.D.




B.A., 2009, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia

MSW, 2011, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia

"You Can Walk Well in Both Worlds": A Qualitative Exploration of the Return and Transnational Immigration Experiences of 1.5 Generation Ghanaian Nationals"

ADVISOR: Dr. Altaf Hussain


B.A., 2016, West Chester University

MSW, 2019, Georgia State University

"Nothing Without Intention: A Phenomenological Study of Black Women's Experiences with Mindfulness During the Prenatal Period"

ADVISOR: Dr. Cudore Snell



B.A., 2005, University of Wisconsin-Parksidem Kenosha, WI

M.A., 2007, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

MSW, 2015, Howard University, Washington, DC

"Underrepresented Pathways to Political Leadership- The Experience of African American Political Social Workers"

ADVISOR: Dr. Sandra Edmonds Crewe


BSW, 2002, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI

MSW, 2003, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

"Experience is Thicker Than Blood: An Exploratory Qualitative Study of the Identity Formation of Second Generation Ethiopian Youth"

ADVISOR: Dr. Cudore Snell 


Selected Areas of Faculty Expertise


Ethnogerontology; gerontology; elder abuse, caregiving; grandparents raising grandchildren

Related Faculty: Dr. Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Dr. Robert Cosby, Dr. Soleman H. Abu-Bader

Diversity/Cultural Competence

cross cultural social work; human diversity; race, class and gender

Related Faculty: Dr. Edwards, Dr. Janice Davis, Dr. Atlaf Husain, Dr. Karen Kolivoski, Dr. Meirong Liu, Dr. Cudore Snell, Dr. Tracy Whitaker

Family and Child Welfare/Children and Youth Development

Domestic/family violence; spirituality; caregiving; foster and kinship care practice and policies; African American males

Related Faculty: Dr. Soleman H. Abu-Bader, Karen Allen, Anniglo Boone, Dr. Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Dr. Janice M. Davis, Dr. Janice Edwards, Peter Fitts, Dr. Cudore Snell

Health Care

AIDS/HIV; health care policy; health disparities; substance abuse; ethics; public health; women's health; substance use and abuse

Related Faculty: Dr. Anniglo Boone, Dr. Janice M. Davis, Peter S. Fitts, Dr. Stacey Little, Dr. Sheryl Neverson Nichols, Dr. Shirley Newton-Guest, Dr. Cudore Snell, Dr. Robert Cosby

Housing and Community Development

Community building; public and affordable housing policy; resident leadership; continuum of care; programs and policies addressing homelessness.

Related Faculty: Dr. Sandra Edmonds Crewe 

International/Global Social Work

Disaster mental health/emergency management; community engagement; displaced populations; refugee and immigrant families; disaster relief.

Related Faculty: Dr. Soleman H. Abu-Bader, Dr. Atlaf Husain, Dr. Meirong Liu

Mental Health

Behavioral medicine; cultural competence; evidence-based assessment; epidemiological methods; ethics; developmental disabilities; mental health policy; system of care.

Related Faculty: Karen L. Allen, Dr. Janice Edwards, Dr. Janice M. Davis, Peter S. Fitts, Dr. Andridia V. Mapson, Dr. Sheryl Neverson Nichols, Dr. Shirley Newton-Guest

Organizational Management

Capacity building; information technology; program development and evaluation; supervision; not-for-profit management; leadership; entrepreneurship

Related Faculty: Dr. Soleman H. Abu-Bader, Stephen Broyles, Dr. Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Dr. Stacey E. Little, Dr. Meirong Liu, Dr. Shirley Newton-Guest, Dr. Robert Cosby


Community-based research; cross cultural development and research; social research practice; evidence-based practice; outcome measures

Related Faculty: Dr. Soleman H. Abu-Bader, Dr. Janice Edwards, Dr. Atlaf Husain, Dr. Karen Kolivoski, Dr. Robert Cosby, Dr. Meirong Liu, Dr. Cudore Snell

Social Policy

Advocacy; criminal justice; ethics; policy analysis; faith-based social initiatives/services; social welfare history; welfare reform; child welfare law; social justice

Related Faculty: Dr. Karen Kolivoski, Peter S. Fitts, Dr. Robert Cosby, Dr. Atlaf Husain, Dr. Meirong Liu, Dr. Andridia V. Mapson